
The Library of the Institute for the Serbian Language of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU) is a specialized scientific and professional library. It consists of a central library and several smaller project libraries. The library collection is diverse. In addition to professional linguistic literature, it contains a large number of works in the field of Serbian culture, of general cultural significance to the Serbian people.
The library was established during the project of creating the monumental Academy Dictionary of Serbian-Croatian Literary and Vernacular Language in the late 19th century. Over time, various collections were added to the library, such as a portion of the library of academician Jovan Tomić. The most recent collection of books and journals acquired by the library includes a part of the personal library of prominent Serbian linguists Milka and Pavle Ivić, as well as the lexicographic library of Jovan Ćirilov.
The collection of the central library consists of over 15,000 volumes of monographic literature, as well as numerous journals, many of which have exceptional value, such as complete issues of the magazines “Brankovo kolo,” “Bosanska vila,” and “Letopis Matice srpske.” The project libraries also possess a significant number of monographic materials, periodical publications, and other specialized literature.
In addition to meeting the basic professional needs of the researchers at the Institute for the Serbian Language of SANU in their scientific research, the mission of the library is to assist academics, researchers from other institutes, faculty professors, and other interested individuals who require the literature of the library of the Institute for the Serbian Language of SANU.
Working hours for external users are from 10 am to 2 pm.
Address: Đure Jakšića 9, 11000 Belgrade.
Phone: 011/2181 383, extension 106.
Dr. Vladimir Živanović, Senior Graduate Librarian
Vladimir Živanović was born on July 16, 1974, in Belgrade. In June 2010, he graduated from the Faculty of Philology at the University of Belgrade, at the Department of Librarianship and Informatics. In October 2010, he started working at the Institute for the Serbian Language of SANU as a librarian. In July 2013, he passed the professional exam. He enrolled in doctoral studies in the field of Culture (Department of Librarianship and Informatics) in 2010 and obtained the title of Doctor of Philological Sciences in 2017. In 2020, he was appointed as a Senior Graduate Librarian.